
Being aware of our intentions

As I was talking to a precious family elder and complaining about an ongoing issue in my life, “what exactly do you want?” she asked. At that moment, I became speechless after repeatedly forming sentences. I had no answer to that. I didn’t know what I really wanted differently about the issue. In fact, what I really wanted was ‘whatever happened’. All I had to do was change my intention. For this, my new intention had to be clarified. I was like a restaurant customer who could not decide what she wanted to eat and said, “bring me a plate containing a bit of everything” and I was living in a mixed-up situation. The flavors were incompatible.

Although we do not have to wait for special days such as New Year’s Eve to make new intentions, it is customary, now we feel more ready to form our intentions for 2017. These days, it is very important to realize what we really want… Whether we like it or not, what is happening in our lives is created by our intentions. Don’t worry about turning this into a conscious creation, and please write down what you want to experience in 2017. When you write it down, your awareness will increase to reach those goals; you will start to see the relevant topics, people, and opportunities more clearly.

When creating your list, do not say “this cannot happen.” Believe that you will cast your fishing line into the ocean of endless possibilities, while trusting that you will hold on to your dream, believe that you will not miss it. The only obstacle is our mind.

And most importantly, when writing your intentions, please don’t forget to add your emotion into it. Let’s say starting a particular job or starting your own business is one of your items. Do not forget to write and imagine how you will feel while doing that work. It is also possible to start your dream job and work with the world’s hardest manager. But if you add items such as “I feel peaceful while working, I can use my potential, I am in harmony with everyone I work with”, you will enjoy your new job very much.

2017 is interpreted as the year of change and new beginnings.

Where do you intend to start the change?

This is the introduction of the 18th issue of Pozitif Magazine. December 2016



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